Prhistoric Art
A huge resource site prepared by Dr. Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe Professor, Department of Art History, Sweet Briar College, Virginia.
The George Ortiz Collection
Assiduously pursued works of art from Greece, as well as from some of its
forerunners, Mesopotamia and Egypt, and its peripheral cultures spanning
a period of time from the Neolithic to the Byzantine Empire; also sculptures
from Africa, Pre-Columbian America and the Pacific.
Cave Paintings
More than 400 paintings and engravings dating to the Paleolithic era from the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave.
Egyptian Artifacts Exhibit
Egyptian artifacts residing at The University of Memphis.
Egypt Art And Archaeology
The University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology presents art and culture of
ancient Egypt through teaching, research, exhibition, and community education.
Splendors of Ancient Egypt
Cairo's Egyptian Museum presents an exhibition that takes you inside the temples and tombs,
beyond the pyramids and pageantry.
Greek Art & Architecture
Links and information on ancient Greek Art & Architecture.
Images of Ancient Greece and Rome
Photgraphs taken for use in teaching a college class.